Little Book of Fixed Stars: Expanded Second Edition
​Indispensable up-to-date reference text!
Part I: List of 249 stars and 20 celestial points in zodiacal order with interpretations and additional star meanings by Michael Munkasey. Positions updated for January 2020.
Part II: Tips for interpretation.
Part III: A collection of essays and articles on non-zodiacal constellations and special celestial zones with illustrated star maps and sample charts.
Part IV: In-depth delineations of four birth charts.
166 pages, paperback, richly illustrated $28.00 paperback at Amazon.

Antiscia: Secrets in the Mirror - August 2020
Antiscia illuminate character traits, talents, challenges, and twists of fate hidden in astrological charts. Learn about the ancient origins of these mysterious chart points and a ridiculously easy method for calculating them.
Sample charts provide insights into how antiscia function in natal charts, progressions, solar returns, horary, electional, mundane and synastry charts. Dive into the looking glass and connect with these mystic points of light.
Fully illustrated, 117 pages, $26.50 paperback at Amazon.
ISBN 978-1-7353770-1-8

Twelve-House Tarot Spreads: Uses and Variations
The twelve-house spread has numerous options and methods of card placement. This book outlines those variations and includes short-cut versions of the spread for faster readings.
Printable spread forms are at the back of the book for your personal readings.
Fully illustrated, 116 pages, $23.48 paperback at Amazon.

Whispering Tarot
Deck and Book
Original 78-card tarot deck
Easy-to-shuffle 3x4" size in two-part custom box
Signed, limited edition of 900
Book gives meanings for the cards with spreads to use
Deck & book set ON SALE
Regularly $41, now $35 (15% off!)
Contact Elizabeth to purchase this set and calculate shipping to your location.

Tarot Decoded
The definitive book about using tarot dignities and attributions in card readings!
coming soon!

Tarot Attributions in Naked Splendor
Late 2020
This follow-up to Tarot Decoded (Weiser 2004) offers expanded in-depth descriptions of astrological dignities and how they can be applied and used in tarot interpretations. Numerous examples of card combinations are used to demonstrate how these principles work in readings. Sections on astrological, elemental and numeric dignities expand interpretive possibilities.
More books by Elizabeth Hazel will be released through 2020-2021. Keep watching for updates and release notices!